Monday, May 25, 2020

Research Proposals on Analyzing The Success Rate Of The Western Nations In Resolving The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Summary This research is aimed at getting in depth to the agenda of war between Israel and the Arabs. The Middle East conflict between these two nations has been growing larger with time. The impacts and relevance of this cold war cannot be overlooked by the international community and other nations, especially the Western countries. As a result, these countries have made certain endeavors in trying to end amicably this war. The big question however, concerns their collective mode of operations and efforts in relation to the levels of success achieved or yet to be achieved. Literature Review The fact that the Arab-Israeli conflict dominates international affairs is evident since a person can hardly go a day without finding this conflict in the newspapers. The significance of these countries to the western nation lies in various fields. Importantly though, is the fact that there is an economic interest of the western nations in relation to these Middle East countries. Recent trends and development of further interest by the western nations in relation to this conflict have amplified. Numerous individuals believe that the oil deposits in the Middle East, especially the one’s that are in the state of Israel, are of major interest to the western countries (Sapir, 2011, p 76). This is further amplified by the fact that the Arabs tie oil deposits to politics (Rubin, 1996, p 4). However the concerned nations, with the United States inclusive, tend to deny this fact. This is because linking oil questions to this matter is likely to increase Arab leverage on the United Sta tes. Further it may alarm the Israelis and hence make them reluctant in responding positively, or even considering concessions. The perception of the involvement of the United States in the conflict are widespread and varying (Allen Pijpers, 1984, p 193). The fact that the United States may be biased in dealing with this conflict is debatable. To a large extent, the United States government seems to be supporting the Israelites (Rea Wright, 1997, p 54). Further, the larger American citizens believe that the government is not being even in dealing and handling of this crucial matter (Shannon, 2003, p 197). Clearly, there is a burden of conflicting expectations from Israel and the Arab states, which in turn place the United States in a delicate position. This statement is fully supported by the actions of former President Bush and his secretary Baker (Hartley, Lea, and Rowe, 2004, p 147). Research Questions Are the western nations willing to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict? What are some of the measures taken by western nations to reduce the Israeli-Arab conflict? Is there goodwill from the conflicting parties to have western nations as arbitrators to the conflict? What are some of the interests that western nations have in the Middle East? Approach The research will use a qualitative approach to collect data and arrive at its findings. This will involve collecting data from secondary sources and also interviewing people that are affected by the conflict. Provisional Chapter Outline Chapter 1: What the western nations have achieved so far in resolving the Israeli-Arab conflict. Chapter 2: Literature Review The strategies being used by western nations to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict. Efforts by individual western countries to resolve the conflict. Chapter 3: Findings The reasons why the western countries are interested in the Israeli-Arab conflict. Whether there is goodwill from the conflicting parties to have the conflict resolved by the western countries. References Phillips, W. (2009). Solving the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A practical way forward that allows both sides to negotiate a solution in good-faith. New York: Create Space. Rubin, B. (1996). The Arab-Israeli Conflict Is Over. Middle east Quarterly,3 (3), 3-12. 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